Is there a water sprain on the shower head?
Hotel Shower Purifull > Other inquiries
First, the spray plate of the Purifull showerhead is a premium plate produced in a semiconductor factory!
If you experience water spray or irregular water flow from the showerhead, it is often caused by water stains or compounds of calcium of 2mm or less on the spray plate.
In this case, simply wipe the spray plate with your hand or use a toothbrush to clean it for straight water flow.
Please note that this solution can be applied not only to Purifull, but for other spray plates!
If you've wiped the spray plate but still experience irregular water flow, try reversing the spray plate and reinstall the showerhead!

And turn on the shower and use a fine toothbrush simultaneously to remove any remaining strains.
If you have been using the spray plate for a long time and cleaning does not resolve the issue at all, we recommend you to replace the component.